And now for something completely different.
There is a blight upon this land … Strange women lying in ponds are distributing swords as a system of government, passing ruffians are saying NI at will to old ladies. There are many who would claim the throne of Camelot, but none would win it without the most Holy Grail.

This will be a medieval comedy movie based adventure quest involving teams which should include at least a heavy combatant, a fencing combatant, an archer, a thrown weapons person, and a bardic person. No team may be larger than 6 people, with no duplicate roles. Each member of a team will be required to compete in a tournament run by NPC’s non player characters) and defeat the BBEG [Big Bad Evil Guy (or Gal)] of their focus. For balance, the number of peers on any team, squared, is automatically subtracted from each team’s point total. Points are awarded to teams for each successful activity completed. That team with the most points wins the day, and the Holy Grail, awarded during King Arthur’s court.
At Troll, participant bards will be given a bag containing the site map, rules, score cards, blank team flag and coconuts. Teams may form any time before 9am on Saturday, when team registration opens. The bards keep track of the party’s progress, writing down wins and losses of the other members of their group, and any conflicts with other bard’s records shall disqualify a team.
The day begins with a bring out your dead wheelbarrow/garden cart race, whereupon teams select one of their number to transport the remaining party members one at a time across the distance to the charnel pyre [5 points awarded for the winner, which stops the game, all other teams count the number of team members transported already as points awarded]. Team members must play dead while in the cart, and may not assist in locomotion. There will be a few wheelbarrows/garden carts available, but, teams should provide their own.

Many deeds of honor and glory shall be done this day, with many NPC’s and scenarios; These NPC’s can either assist a party, earn a party points, or provide a distraction and delay a party’s progress.
Many odd conventions should rule the day, such as whenever the heavy fighter moves, one of the team must use coconuts to simulate horse hoofs. As many components to create the atmosphere of the movie scenes as can be brought to the event, should be. Quoting the right movie correctly, in the right scene, earns a party points. Misquoting costs a party points. There may be points awarded for being the best stunt doubles.
The Dread pirate Roberts hosts a “I know something you don’t know” tournament [offhand fencing, wounds retained, compliment your opponent] 2 points awarded for wins, 1 point awarded for losses.

Sir Robin of Loxley’s 3 arrows on a string archery challenge, wherein an archer must shoot 3 rounds of 3 arrows simultaneously at a target, 2 points awarded for bull’s-eyes, 1 point for hitting the target, nothing for complete misses.

Sir Galahad the chaste, upset at Sir Lancelot for his untimely rescue from Castle Anthrax, has decided a battle shall determine who has the rightness of the situation [melee of all heavies, choose your captain but equal numbers, best of 3 battles, winning team members get 2 points each battle, losers get 1 point each battle]

Ash from House wares, training to defeat the deadites [Standard axe competition target with 5 rings and 6/5/4/3/2 points. bull’s-eye=6, score =10-(number of axe throws to get to 21, but not over), 3 axe throws per turn

Fezzik [The Princess Bride] No More Rhyming, I Mean it [Rhyming competition, based on all movies
[no more than 5 minutes per performance]

These 5 tournaments happen simultaneously. Multi talented people must choose which tournament to enter.
The Big Bad Evil Guy/Gal (boss fight) list
Bosses award their favorite opponent of the day at the award ceremony [court] at 430pm
Heavy Fighters face the Black knight [Monty Python and the Holy Grail]

Fencers face the 6 Fingered Man [The Princess Bride]

Axe throwers face Wiseman John [Army of Darkness] in the ‘It’s a trick, get an axe’ challenge

Archers face the Sherriff of Rottingham [Robin Hood Men in tights]

Bards face the Insulting French knight [Monty Python and the Holy Grail][best comeback]

One shots:
Sir Bedivere [Monty Python and the Holy Grail] and his logic puzzle involving witches [first to solve it gets 5 points]

Vizzini [Princess Bride] and his battle of wits [who is right, and who is dead](wager your team, pick the right cup, double your points, pick the
wrong cup, team dead)

Morgan Le Fey answer her question correctly, get points, incorrectly, get cursed and lose points )

Not so Random Encounters:
Miracle Max and Valerie (wife) and their only mostly dead recipes. Resurrection, healing, etc but they don’t work for free, [costs points]

Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein and the Gelderland dance competition [A Knight’s Tale]

Kids may not be a part of any team, but they may apply points they earn to any team they choose.
Prevail against the Knights who say NI [youth combat]

King Arthur and his lost patsy (scavenger hunt for kids)

Enlist the aid of Tim the Enchanter to Defeat the Killer Rabbit [holy hand grenade of Antioch [softball target toss]

Award ceremony: wherein begins the court of King Arthur and the other Britons.


Each team should bring a contribution for the cheese shop, which was found to be completely uncontaminated by cheese [Monty Python Flying Circus], or other charcuterie. Please contact [Vidar Ulfsson (MKA Jeremy Kombol) at (518)683-0557][no eggs please, allergies]
A feast preregistration of $22 submitted by [April 25th, 2025] secures your seat at the feast of lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and….. (it is a Dinosaur BBQ delivered meal for feast registered people only at 7pm on Saturday)
Location: The Shire of Anglespur, Kinyon’s Canyon Campsites, 6061 State Route 66 Nassau, NY 12123
Date: Friday, May 9th at 3pm to Sunday, May 11th at noon
Site requires the use of existing fire pits or Raised fire pits only
Preregistration of Adventure game participants is requested and may be secured by sending a shrubbery (not too expensive) to the Anglespur treasury department. Preregistration of other Britons (observers) is requested and may be secured by sending another shrubbery (to get the two-level effect) to the Anglespur treasury department. This is a camping event, although insulting French persons (day-trip only) are welcome but pay the full event fee. Children under 18 are free. According to our local shrubber Roger, the going rate for a reasonable shrubbery is $40. There is an additional door fee of $10 for all non preregistered persons. SCA members are entitled to a $10 discount. The Anglespur Treasury department may be contacted at exchequer@anglespur.eastkingdom.org or by check made out to SCA-NY Shire of Anglespur sent to address: 148 millers corners road, Averill park, ny, 12018 (Exchequer Ceinwin, MKA Melissa Carter]
Please note: persons bringing actual shrubberies (and not getting the humor) will be labeled a witch, and how do we deal with witches? We burn them!!!
due to limited parking space only 200 participants & observers may join this event.
If you wish to participate in the “and now for something completely different” event as an NPC, please contact Liam of EldVatten at 119718@members.eastkingdom.org or 5182653822
NPC positions
The Dread Pirate Roberts [filled]
Sir Robin of Loxley [filled]
Sir Galahad the Chaste [open]
Sir Lancelot [filled]
Ash from Housewares [filled]
The Black Knight [filled]
Count Rugen the 6 fingered man [filled]
Wiseman John [filled]
The Sheriff of Rottingham [filled]
The Insulting French Knight [filled]
Sir Bedevere[filled]
Vizzini [filled]
Miracle Max and his Wife Valerie [filled]
Sir William of Gelderland [filled]
Knights who say NI [filled]
King Arthur [open]
Tim the Enchanter [filled]
Fezzig [filled]
Morgan Le Fey[filled]
Other potential positions [Little John(boffe quarterstaff off the bridge/log], ,R.O.U.S’s, Maid Marion and Brunhilda and the quest for the key to her “heart”, Blinkin, Asneeze Ibn Achoo, Princess Buttercup, Prince Humperdink, Will scarlet O’hara, Inigo Montoya, Guinevere, Prince John, Latrine, Brave Sir Robin, keeper at the bridge of death
Troll shifts FRI 4 to 6, 6 to 8, 8 to 10, 10 to 12, SAT 8 to 10, 10 to 12, 12 to 2, 2 to 4 = 8 positions [open]
Autocrat: Liam of EldVatten
Potluck Dayboard coordinator: [filled]
Feast crew: transport from troy and serve dinosaur bbq to meal plan participants [filled]